To comply with the USCCB Charter and Norms, the Diocese of Knoxville’s Safe Environment Program requires all clergy, employees, contracted school personnel, volunteers, members of groups and organizations, over the age of 18, who work, volunteer, or participate in any capacity to complete the Diocesan Safe Environment training and have a criminal background check before they may begin employment, volunteer, or participate with ministries, groups and organizations.
For all volunteers who will be handling any parish money like ushers, money counters, fundraiser money cashiers, etc., must also take this training. They will select Volunteer with Financial Responsibilities.
If you are not sure if you need to take this training, please contact Lorena Reynoso at 423-335-1604 or email your questions to
In addition, the mandatory renewal training must be completed every 5 years and a new background check submitted before the 5-year expiration of prior training. The Diocese of Knoxville Safe Environment compliance training and renewal training is a condition of employment and for volunteer ministry in the Diocese of Knoxville.
Please click here to go to the Safe Environment page for information regarding registration, training, and compliance.
Safe Environment FAQ– Frequently asked questions about the safe environment program.
Letter of Commitment from Bishop Stika, July 1, 2020
(en español) Letter of Commitment from Bishop Stika, July 1, 2020